black and white

God's been slowly turning my view of Him. I have seen things a very black and white way. I don't think I am a black and white person, but I stay there out of fear of sliding down the slippery slope of paganism. I was raised to believe that the world believes in tolerance and it is a dirty word. Well, in a way it can be. There are ultimate truths, like that Jesus is the way. I don't want to say that other religions have something we can learn, because if I say that then I am questioning THE truth, that Jesus is the way. What if God made us different? What if we were all different pieces of one body? It's okay. I have sat on the view that these are the rules and this is what the bible says so if you are this than you are right and if you are that then you are wrong. If you say this then I accept you, if you say that then I am offended. But isn't it so God to have layers and intricacies bigger than we could gather on our own. Even as a whole, He is out of our comprehension. It's not about having one doctrine that we look to and conform to afraid to step outside the box and pulling others in. There is so much more than that.

Tonight I went to church at Solomon's Porch and what really shook me is that we talked about four different views of the Beattitudes and then accepted them all. And discussed them all. We never came to a conclusion that one is better than another. They were all valid points effected each based on their life experiences. It was strange for me to accept them all as possibilities and even... maybe... all true. My sister brought up a point on our ride home. That God is the God of truth. So wherever we find truth is where God is. Instead of, this is the truth we stand on. There is truth in many different corners of our lives. God is the relational God. Why wouldn't He be all over.

Maybe it's okay to look at other religions. I'm not saying that there is another way to heaven, but there are real thing we can learn from other religions because of the people behind them. We must look at the root of who these people are, at the root of their culture that God made. We have things to learn from Muslims. Instead of simply rejecting their views because they are Muslim, we could look at the root of the people. We will find God there in the beauty of His purposes for His children. They bring God into every aspect of their lives. He is in their culture. I have seen more devotion and reverence in the Muslims I have met than any American Christian. It is in their culture, so when it comes into full redemption, there is beauty. We can add to each other. We have things to bring and to receive from the diversity around us.

Lately, I have been able to take risks like never before. I have felt for maybe my whole life that if I let go of my life I will lose it. Everything will fall apart if I don't constantly think about what is going on. The Lord calls Himself trustworthy and He is. But I have such a hard time getting past that sentence and putting it into action. I have such hard time admitting that there is more truth out there than I have seen, that I have been given in my youth. I am afraid that if I look around I will find myself fallen apart. But I stand on the fact that the more you search for truth you will find the Lord. But again, how do I step past that sentence. God has given me an example and said, look its possible. Trust what I say, trust my character. It has always been and always will be. He knew I needed more than that. I needed to see others taking risks. He's brought me some pretty awesome people lately that don't worry and they look around, for real at things around them. And they are okay! In some ways they have more life than I've found. I am so glad God is relational enough to patiently bring me into reality that God is much bigger and more intricate than I could ever imagine.


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