
I feel like I have had my head in the sand for the past few months.  Especially with such a hectic move this summer, and then my son was born September 12th.  Who knew new babies were so much work? Well, now I am getting a bit more rest, I put off school for a bit, and I am beginning to feel a bit more creative instead of just in survival mode.  So, where to begin?

I have been hanging out at some local coffee shops, noticing some bare walls.  I got rid of so many pieces in the move to Minneapolis, so my goal is to put together at least four more paintings soon so I am ready to get my art in those shops.  I am still dancing that fine line of pushing myself into the scene or not, but I think it's about time I dove in.

Below is my latest painting.  I painted this a couple days before my son was born.  It is about the in between time.  Feeling nothing and everything all at once.  Enjoy.



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