
Hello all!! Are you still out there? It has been a great deal of time since I’ve been on this blog. There definitely needs to be some tidying up and clearing of the cobwebs. I’d like to see about slowly shifting some things around here. Since my last posts, a lot has changed. I have had two beautiful sons. They are now seven and four. We moved to Minnesota (my birthplace), then back to Colorado and now we live in the Mountains of North Carolina. We have been in our current home for almost a year now. It feels good to be settled down. We plan to stay put for quite a while. I’d like to shift or expand this blog a bit. I still paint occasionally, and I’d actually like to get into oil painting by taking a class at the local community college. I would also like to get my art out into the community some. Maybe not full shows, but at least hanging in a coffee shop or two. I would like to keep the environment of honesty on this blog too. I have gone through some pretty major spiritual shifts over the past few years. That will for sure come up. I also homeschool and am a homesteader. Though, I’m not sure I really want this to turn into a homesteading blog or recipe or homeschool blog. I want it to be about honest questions and ideas, art and yes, some about what happens day to day. To follow my homesteading check out my Instagram page @walnutgrovehomestead

I would love your comments and thoughts a long the way. I’ve missed you!


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