Changes in how I respond

Hmmm... decisions to be made.  I find myslef in a new place with God, wishing for the old way but also curious of what's next.  He's been holding back his direction from me.  I've been taught more discipline and taught more about respecting the Lord.  He is maturing me.  It's hard.  I wish I was just cuddled all the time.  But I long to be able to stand on my own two feet.  I long to not break down at every turn and mishap.  I look forward to more faith, more hope, more love. 

I've been stepping into some new decisions and I have been very frustrated.  It seems everything is against me and i find myself shouting at God to just tell me what to do.  I wish it was that easy.  This is good though.  I have some exciting news to share in January!


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