
Art Show Part 2
"You are strong enough to be an artist."
You are already impacting the people around you with your art.  No matter when or even if you sell your art, you are a successful artist."

Two statements I have to hold on to.  I had significantly less people stop into the show the last three days it was open, but I found that the people that did venture in showed how impacted they were in a greater way than the first day of the show.

One man walked pasted the window with a group of friends.  They all turned their heads to peer in at the show, some continued to walk, some said, "wow, that is beautiful." This man stopped suddenly, stared, dropped his jaw, then turn to call his friends back.  They all came into the show each walking around with gasps.  I loved how vocal they were about the art.  The man that stopped entered the shop and made a b-line for the painting above.  He stared and said "this painting, I could see in my house.  I could stare at it always."  He is the first person to say that this painting is his favorite.  It is moments like these that cause me to see my show as a success.  Even though nothing was sold.

Nate and I discussed this.  What makes an artist successful?  It is so difficult to see my art piling up in my studio, not being sold.  It is about impact, about effect.  I received plenty of reactions to my art over these two months.  I just wish reaction was measurable. 

(Pictures of the show to come soon!)


Anonymous said…
The reality is that art doesn't always sell but it is always looked at, admired and spoken about. I wonder if those people that went to your tweeted about it to their friends?
BearyCreative said…
This is wonderful and so true. What makes an artist successful varies by each person you ask, but I'd like to think too that it's by reactions and by touching people with your art. Not just the sale.

I had some great successes with my art in the past year, and still find myself wanting more and never just sitting back and relaxing and being happy with the way my art has reached people.

Great way to start thinking!
Maggie Flatley said…
You are braver than I am. It takes courage to open yourself and your art for the public. You have a unique, beautiful style. I have a feeling you will go your work!
Casey Lauren said…
I would love to see some pics of the show!

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