release the layers...

My heart feels so tender and exposed. The layers slowly revealing the jewels beneath. The first is strong, and yellow, full of lights and sounds, plenty of excitement and passion. Beneath, the layers to follow, are more undesirable, have more pressure, more fear, there are greys and pasty blue hues. There are reds that burn and blacks unexpected. Many say, lets stay where it is yellow and rosy, where I find excitement and adventure and never cease to feel your joy. Hide those greys from my eyes, and whisper away soft blues.
Others say, come deep with me, show me the reds and show me the black, wrap me deep within your greys, trust my hands upon your pasty blue hues. I lift the excitement, I pull back the sunshine yellow... they fall deep with in my pools and lose their breath, struggling to understand, their hand grasps red with a sense of sheer survival, shattering between his fingers, the pieces fall to the ground, all of it swept away with a promise, to only show the sunshine and zip up sweet tender blues, clean up this mess, it is not acceptable.
Father... I place my trust in your hands.