Health Nuts, I need your advice!

So I've nearly made it two whole weeks without sugar.  I'm planning to reward myself with a reeses peanut butter cup that nate got me for christmas.  (A whole bag of them has been taunting me up in the cupboard this whole time.)  Then I'm going to go two more weeks.  I am not sure what to do after that.  What is helpful?  I absolutely love sweets and so really would rather not give them up entirely forever unless necessary.  I think it is possible to simply break the hold it has over me. 

So tell me what you think?  Should I give it up all together?  (I could think of it as a health concern, like smoking and give it up like an addiction - except natural sugars)  Should I only take out some sweets?  Should I put no limits and just not let it have a hold at all, just be healthy?  (Note: This is usually not the way I work. I tend to break down and start my addictions all over again)

Send me a comment!


Pastor Randy said…
Aah Grasshopper. As you suggest, it is not the sweet, but Who holds you that is important. That is the destination you must journey to.

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