This morning, against the desire of my heavy eyelids, my husband and I woke up at 7:30am and rose to pursue a peaceful morning. After a hearty breakfast and a big cup of coffee I donned my hunting clothes (some jeans and rocket dogs) and greeted the day. We drove about 20 minutes to the grasslands of Wellington and searched for birds. He loves to hunt and fish, qualities I didn't expect to find in my husband, but I have really begun to love our long walks in the fields and forests. I still have yet to see an animal shot other than a squirrel, which really upset me, so we'll see how this hunting business keeps up for me.

The best part, though, was the tranquility of the morning. I am a talker, so I had to get a bunch of random conversation out of my system until we finally fell silent. Walking slowly, we observed winding trees, landing ducks, and oceans of golden grass. In some places the grass rose above our heads, completely engulfed. Other places it was so soft, I almost laid down to take a nap.
taken by nathan rowlan |
As the wind blew across the grass, my heart began to find rest and openness to the voice of the Lord. This was my monastery. I told him what I told you. That I am afraid to hear him speak. We walked together and smiled. I have yet to truly get to the deep. I know he is waiting patiently. For now, I know I am loved by the creator of the earth. Someone I should never cease to praise and yet he wants to be near and see the truth in my heart. Soon. I hope. I want him near. As my husband always tells me, "there is a choice in everything."
I want more of this silence. Numerous tasks and chores fill the rest of my schedule, but this was the first step, the first choice in a series of many.